Lola’s over the Weight Watchers chatter

This week I got back on the wagon. This week I stepped away from the chocolate cornflake cakes, away from the Sauvignon Blanc, away from the Ben & Jerry’s Karamel Sutra (well not completely), and I lost the 5lbs I gained last week. Weight Watchers is awesome.

This week has been a good one. Not only have I lost weight and stuck to my diet (not completely, I did go a point over) I have also managed to review some of the products I got sent. Amazing. Maybe I’m finally getting on top of things. Hahaha as if. I still haven’t been to the gym, I think it’s been 3 months now. Maybe I’ll get there this week. Lola’s more aware now so I’m unsure how putting her in the crèche will be. It would be good if she could just do the yoga class with me, but that’s not gonna happen for a few years at least is it.

Paul Weller

Lola’s seen a lot of her cousins this week. On Monday we visited with Oscar & Tallulah who are my cousin Bianca’s children, and on Tuesday my cousin Katie came over with Ruby to get haircuts. Lola also had a fringe trim and now looks more like Liam Gallagher than Paul Weller. Not that there’s much of a difference with them two. It’s interesting to see how Lola is around older children; Ruby is 2 1/2 and Oscar is 2. When it’s just us, she does not shut up. Seriously. She chats away, makes dog noises, and calls to the cats in the garden. I can see already how it’s going be when she really starts talking. Ever seen that Family Guy sketch when Stewie’s calling Lois? My nieces all talked constantly when they were little, the youngest, Melissa, still does in fact. Maybe that’s why my dad’s deaf actually, maybe all us girls talked a lot. Anyway, when Lola’s with older children it takes her a while for her to get her confidence up. She just sits and stares, taking it all in, and giving the filthiest looks! I do wonder what goes through her head. It would be amazing if we could remember that far back wouldn’t it. I’m looking at my diary while writing this so I can remember what we did last week! Seriously. There’s no hope for me.

Liam Gallagher

Warren and I went to the cinema on Thursday. I believe that’s the 2nd time I’ve been since having Lola. My sister Sarah babysat for us and we went to Westfield to watch Avengers in full 3D, Xtreme-massive-screen glory. We loved it. I do like a comic book film, and this one’s got loads of ‘em in. It had a good sense of humour about it, and wasn’t too cheesy. I would recommend it highly, especially on a big screen. We also saw the trailer for Prometheus, which looks very impressive, so we’ll be calling on Auntie Sarah again for that one.

I managed to get some shopping in as well before the film started. How long do you put kids in vests for? I could only find them up to 18 months, but then thought maybe that’s because you stop putting them on after 18 months?  I don’t like Westfield. Loads of shops, with nothing in them. I’d gone especially to get Lola some bits from the DVF range in GAP. They stocked it for 1 week after it launched. Thanks guys. It’s OK though I managed to get her some bits online, and her future husband Elwood kindly sent her a green romper suit over.

Lola’s 70’s revival

On Friday I had another girlie night at my local, Nino’s. Lola came with us as Warren had a gig with Scroobius in Tooting. The waiters always make a fuss of Lola so that was nice, and between my sister and I we managed to distract her with enough Elmo footage, breadsticks, olives and mirror games until dinner came. That kept her entertained until I’d pretty much finished mine so then when she wanted to walk around the tables for the rest of the night, and up and down the corridor that leads to the toilet, I didn’t mind too much. This time I couldn’t carry her round the restaurant to see everything, she had to walk, and was fighting to get down. I think until the novelty of walking has worn off in a couple of months or so, we won’t be talking her to a restaurant. It’s not fair on her as she doesn’t want to sit down, and it’s hard for her to go exploring in a busy place full of people carrying hot things. It’s no fun for us either as it’s not a relaxing experience. At least you get to burn off the dinner you’ve just eaten.

Anyway I’m off to bed, have a really busy week ahead so lots to tell next time I hope…sweet dreams!