
I love a beigel, love em. Smoked salmon and cream cheese, salt beef, can’t get enough. I no longer live near Brick Lane sadly, so don’t often get to enjoy them, but they are quite fattening so that’s not a bad thing.

Bagels I don’t get excited about. While I eat them I just feel sad because I’m not eating a beigel. Why aren’t bagels more like beigels? Maybe it’s something to do with the baking and storing. Maybe they couldn’t packet a beigel. I’ll probably never know, but I don’t really care.

So, these Weight Watchers bagels, well they’re quite nice actually. Stick ’em in the oven for 5 mins, they’ll do. They’re not as doughy as other bagels, but that’s OK. 4 points you can’t go wrong really, and it makes a nice change from a sarnie.

So yes Weight Watchers bagels, you’re no beigel, but you’re OK!